Our Vision

Nurture women's tech careers, from Day 1.

In spite of so much spotlight on the topic of women in the workplace, we continue to see fewer women in leadership roles and higher attrition for women in tech.

There are many reasons for this - studies say women aren't given opportunities at the same rate as men, women have fewer long-time mentors, and women stay in companies for longer periods, potentially losing out on more rewarding opportunities. We, the founders, were software engineers working in tech and experienced not being given opportunities unless we asked (and we learned to ask after a while). Looking back on this experience, we had this aha moment: can we create a career coach that women can rely on, from day 1 of their careers?

Awareness and education can go a long way in ensuring we, women, are broadening our perspective, asking for what is rightfully ours, and owning our lives and ambitions unapologetically. This is why we started Roar.

We believe in giving more women the tools and a nurturing community for women to succeed in all aspects of life - education, career, finance, health, and relationships. We are simply starting with careers at this time.

We are open to all

Roar will be greatly beneficial to everyone in the early stages of their career.

While we are strongly motivated to improve outcomes for women in tech, people of all gender identities are welcome to join us.


We are software engineers building a product that we wish existed when we started our tech careers.

Anusha Rajan

Founder & CEO

Linda Pulickal


Srividhya Srinivasan


Backed By

Founder Institute Logo


Loyal VC Logo

Connect with us

If you have ideas or questions, or would simply like to chat about your career, please send a note to hello@joinroar.co